Productos>Eerdmans Bible Reference Bundle (309 vols.)

Eerdmans Bible Reference Bundle (309 vols.)

Edición digital Logos

Ediciones Logos están totalmente conectados a su biblioteca y a sus herramientas de estudio de la Biblia.
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Founded in 1911, Eerdmans has cultivated a reputation of publishing the best modern Christian scholarship. Through the years, Eerdmans has introduced hundreds of new, responsible thinkers and thoughts to the space where Christ and culture meet—emphasizing open, earnest dialogue across the range of religious perspectives. The Eerdmans Bible Reference Bundle collects 309 volumes that will dramatically enhance your library’s scholarly clout in biblical, theological, and ministerial studies, as well as the fields of philosophy, sociology, anthropology, political science, history, literary criticism, and more, as they interact with Christianity, the church, and the Bible today. With The Eerdmans Bible Reference Bundle, you can add all of these volumes to your library in one massively discounted package.

The Bundle comprises 34 collections and 49 other individual titles, including:

This bundle gathers the trusted voices of D. A. Carson, Mark Noll, and James D. G. Dunn alongside groundbreaking work from Larry W. Hurtado, Prudence Allen, and many others.

  • Includes 309 volumes (100,000+ pages) of responsible Christian scholarship
  • Contains diverse resources for biblical, theological, and ministerial study
  • Augments your library’s depth in a range of academic fields relevant to modern Christianity
  • Title: Eerdmans Bible Reference Bundle
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Volumes: 309
  • Pages: 111,011+
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  1. Mr & Mrs Antoine
  2. William L White

    William L White


    Would be nice to have this, but, I cannot afford it unless they put it on a monthly plan!
Actualmente este producto no está disponible para ser comprado.