Productos>Eerdmans New Testament Studies Collection (23 vols.)

Eerdmans New Testament Studies Collection (23 vols.)

Edición digital Logos

Ediciones Logos están totalmente conectados a su biblioteca y a sus herramientas de estudio de la Biblia.
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This collection gathers the insights of some of the brightest New Testament scholars, presenting their careful research and lively commentary on a wide variety of topics. You’ll get a first-class overview of the New Testament, perfect for solidifying and refreshing foundational knowledge of the text, and many engaging studies on specific subjects within the New Testament. Dive into an interactive study of Roman house churches, explore Luke’s portrayal of women, examine Jesus’ attitude towards the Law, study different interpretations the book of Revelation, and learn about poverty in the first century as well as Paul’s teaching on it. You’ll also find studies on communal meals, the art of reading Scripture, Jesus in relation to the fundamentalism of his day, imaginative storytelling as applied to the New Testament, and much more.

Get more books at a bigger discount when you order the Eerdmans Bible Reference Bundle!

  • Provides a well-rounded introduction to the New Testament, as well as rigorous scholarship on specific issues
  • Includes material for individual study as well as interactive small-group study
  • Addresses unique topics in New Testament studies
  • Title: Eerdmans New Testament Studies Collection
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Volumes: 23
  • Pages: 7,763
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  1. Eko Ong

    Eko Ong


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