Productos>Eerdmans Old Testament Studies Collection (16 vols.)

Eerdmans Old Testament Studies Collection (16 vols.)

Edición digital Logos

Ediciones Logos están totalmente conectados a su biblioteca y a sus herramientas de estudio de la Biblia.
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Full of ritualistic sacrifices, pantheistic religions, and nomadic oral narratives, the Old Testament is a theologically challenging and culturally distant text to interpret. In the Eerdmans Old Testament Studies Collection, scholars like Bruce K. Waltke, Walter Brueggemann, Craig G. Bartholomew, and Daniel J. Berrigan light the way to solid hermeneutics and fruitful study of the Old Testament. Analyzing Israelite national identity, the Hebrew text, canonicity, prophecy, and law, this collection clears away misunderstandings, processes cultural and linguistic difficulties, and provides recent scholarship on the Old Testament Scriptures.

  • Introduces the major divisions of the Old Testament
  • Examines kingship and pantheism of the ancient world
  • Studies canonicity and the Christian messages of the Old Testament
  • Title: Eerdmans Old Testament Studies Collection
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Volumes: 16
  • Pages: 5,214
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