Productos>Eerdmans Commentary Collection (13 vols.)

Eerdmans Commentary Collection (13 vols.)

Edición digital Logos

Ediciones Logos están totalmente conectados a su biblioteca y a sus herramientas de estudio de la Biblia.
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These volumes provide a comprehensive treatment of the whole Bible, as well as exhaustive analyses of several individual books in the Old and New Testaments. Written by the most respected scholars in the field, this collection includes works that have set the standard by which all other commentaries are measured. For those wanting the best in Bible commentary, this collection is essential.

Edited by James D. G. Dunn and John Rogerson, Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible provides pastors, students, and interested laity with the finest, most up-to-date single-volume Bible handbook available. With Jack Lundbom’s exhaustive Deuteronomy commentary, explore the linchpin of the Old Testament that connects the Pentateuch with the Former and Latter Prophets. A Commentary on Jeremiah by premier Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggeman presents a combined and updated version of his classic two-volume work. Bruce Waltke’s masterful commentary on Micah displays an unprecedented exegetical thoroughness, an expert understanding of historical context, and a keen interest in illuminating Micah’s contributions to Christian theology. Arland J. Hultgren’s The Parables of Jesus provides comprehensive commentary on these rich, yet often enigmatic lessons. The Letter to the Romans from The Bible in Medieval Tradition series offers an invaluable analysis of the book’s history of interpretation from eight representative medieval interpreters between the ninth and fourteenth centuries, as well as substantial translations of key medieval commentaries.

Get more books at a bigger discount when you order the Eerdmans Bible Reference Bundle!

  • Commentary on the whole Bible from world-class scholars
  • Exhaustive treatment of several Old and New Testament books
  • Presentation of Romans’ medieval history of interpretation
  • Title: Eerdmans Commentary Collection
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Volumes: 13
  • Pages: 9,858
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  1. Ralph A. Abernethy III
  2. Shaun Lee

    Shaun Lee


    I would like to get The Parables of Jesus: A Commentary separately please.
  3. kentuckyliz



    I would like to get the Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible as an individual purchase, please.
  4. Suzanne Gorhau

    Suzanne Gorhau


    Please sell the Bruner commentary on Matthew separately. His commentaries are excellent, the first commentary I go to when preaching on John or Matthew. I appreciate having been able to purchase his John commentary separately, and I hope I'll be able to do that with Matthew. I have a physical copy of the commentary, but I would be willing to buy it again for my Logos program if I don't have to purchase all the other books in the bundle.
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