Productos>Immanuel Kant Collection (6 vols.)

Immanuel Kant Collection (6 vols.)

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Known by many as the most influential philosopher since the Greeks, Immanuel Kant has had a vast influence on modern philosophy. Drawing on both the empiricists and the rationalists, Kant argued that humans gain knowledge of the external world though experience. However, he said, innate concepts in human reason shape that knowledge, giving it structure and form. He argued that conceptual knowledge and sensible knowledge must be understood as separate categories. An example of sensible knowledge is my seeing five red balloons; an example of conceptual knowledge is my concept of fiveness and redness.

The Immanuel Kant Collection contains six of Kant’s most important works. With the digital edition, key words and ideas are linked to other texts in your library. Compare Kant with both the rationalists and the empiricists with a click. Further, every word is indexed, allowing you instant access to any phrase or idea you want to read about.

Get an even better deal with the Philosophy Research Library (152 vols.).

Key Features

  • All three of Kant’s critiques
  • In-depth index
  • Biographical summary
  • Summary of his ideas by the translators

Product Details

  • Title: Immanuel Kant Collection
  • Author: Immanuel Kant
  • Volumes: 6
  • Pages: 2,283
  • Resource Type: Topical
  • Topic: Modern Philosophy
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About Immanuel Kant

Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) was born in Königsberg, Prussia, in a Pietist Lutheran family. He attended the University of Königsberg, becoming a lecturer there after graduation. In 1770, he accepted the chair of logic and metaphysics at Königsberg. He published and taught a variety of subjects, but focused on metaphysics and its relationship to physics and mathematics. He was heavily influenced by the writings of Leibniz, Newton, Hume, and Rousseau, drawing on both the empiricist and the rationalist schools. He wrote works of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, and teleology. His revolutionary contribution to philosophy is his argument that human knowledge of the world comes from sense experience but is shaped by innate structures inherent in human reason.


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  1. AeliusCicero



  2. David Leslie Bond
  3. Prayson Daniel

    Prayson Daniel


  4. Michael Mullen

    Michael Mullen


  5. James Mills Jr.

    James Mills Jr.





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