Productos>Philosophy Research Library (152 vols.)

Philosophy Research Library (152 vols.)

Edición digital Logos

Ediciones Logos están totalmente conectados a su biblioteca y a sus herramientas de estudio de la Biblia.
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Study Smarter with Logos

Get access to Logos’ smart features. Logos research libraries combine premier scholarly tools with interconnected digital libraries, tools, and media.

Examine 25 centuries of philosophy with over 150 enhanced and searchable volumes—a library worth over $2,700. Go deeper in your philosophical investigations, studying words, making notes that sync across devices, and seeing ideas in historical context with Logos’ smart research tools.

This research library includes:

  • Ancient Philosophy Research Library
  • Medieval Philosophy Research Library
  • Modern Philosophy Research Library
  • A Dictionary of Philosophy in the Words of Philosophers

Get the Academic Advantage

Logos lets you study classic texts from across the centuries with unparalleled depth and efficiency. Primary texts and translations scroll in sync and side by side. Greek and Latin gloss and morphology appear with a single click. Notes and highlights sync across all of your devices. Quickly access information on difficult or unusual words, and get instant definitions, translations, audio pronunciations, and more. Discover new connections with Logos’ Timeline feature. Use Logos Groups to collaborate and share insights with others.

Original-language data, cross-references, rich media—Logos gives you the academic advantage.

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