Productos>The New International Greek Testament Commentary (12 vols.)

The New International Greek Testament Commentary (12 vols.)

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For an updated version of this collection, see The New International Greek Testament Commentary (13 vols.)

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This commentary series is established on the presupposition that the theological character of the New Testament documents calls for exegesis that is sensitive to theological themes as well as to the details of the historical, linguistic, and textual context. Such thorough exegetical work lies at the heart of these volumes, which contain detailed verse-by-verse commentary preceded by general comments on each section and subsection of the text.

An important aim of the NIGTC authors is to interact with the wealth of significant New Testament research published in recent articles and monographs. In this connection the authors make their own scholarly contributions to the ongoing study of the biblical text.

The text on which these commentaries are based is the UBS Greek New Testament, edited by Kurt Aland and others. While engaging the major questions of text and interpretation at a scholarly level, the authors keep in mind the needs of the beginning student of Greek as well as the pastor or layperson who may have studied the language at some time but does not now use it on a regular basis.

From the Foreword

Although there have been many series of commentaries on the English text of the New Testament in recent years, very few attempts have been made to cater particularly to the needs of students of the Greek text. The present initiative to fill this gap by the publication of the New International Greek Testament Commentary is very largely due to the vision of W. Ward Gasque, who was one of the original editors of the series. At a time when the study of Greek is being curtailed in many schools of theology, we hope that the NIGTC will demonstrate the continuing value of studying the Greek New Testament and will be an impetus in the revival of such study.

The volumes of the NIGTC are for students who want something less technical than a full-scale critical commentary. At the same time, the commentaries are intended to interact with modern scholarship and to make their own scholarly contribution to the study of the New Testament. The wealth of detailed study of the New Testament in articles and monographs continues without interruption, and the series is meant to harvest the results of this research in an easily accessible form. The commentaries include, therefore, extensive bibliographies and attempt to treat all important problems of history, exegesis, and interpretation that arise from the New Testament text.

One of the gains of recent scholarship has been the recognition of the primarily theological character of the books of the New Testament. The volumes of the NIGTC attempt to provide a theological understanding of the text, based on historical-critical-linguistic exegesis. It is not their primary aim to apply and expound the text for modern readers, although it is hoped that the exegesis will give some indication of the way in which the text should be expounded.

Within the limits set by the use of the English language, the series aims to be international in character, though the contributors have been chosen not primarily in order to achieve a spread between different countries but above all because of their specialized qualifications for their particular tasks.

The supreme aim of this series is to serve those who are engaged in the ministry of the Word of God and thus to glorify God’s name. Our prayer is that it may be found helpful in this task.

I. Howard Marshall
Donald A. Hagner

  • Academy of Parish Clergy Top Ten Books of the Year (2001) 1 Corinthians
  • Christianity Today - Number 2 Critic's Choice for Commentaries (1993) Philippians
  • Evangelical Christian Publishers Association- Gold Medallion award for Commentaries (1983) Galatians
  • Academy of Parish Clergy Top Ten Books of the Year - Special Recognition (1997) Colossians & Philemo
  • Christianity Today - Number 3 Critics Choice for Commentaries (1994) Hebrews
  • Evangelical Christian Publishers Assocation - Gold Medallion finalist for Reference/Commentary (2001) 1 Corinthians
  • Title: The New International Greek Testament Commentary
  • Series Editors: Donald A. Hagner, I. Howard Marshall
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Volumes: 13
  • Pages: 10,509
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  1. Leonardo Buscemi
  2. Andrew Anderson

    Andrew Anderson


  3. Debra W Bouey

    Debra W Bouey


  4. Daniel M. Mandery
  5. Andrew Ruddell

    Andrew Ruddell


  6. Alcides Bardela Filho
  7. RevG.



  8. Eric Li

    Eric Li


  9. Todd Fruehauf

    Todd Fruehauf


  10. Alex A. Salazar

    Alex A. Salazar


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