Productos>G. Campbell Morgan Collection (30 vols.)

G. Campbell Morgan Collection (30 vols.)

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A collection rich in biblical analysis and wisdom, the G. Campbell Morgan Collection (30 vols.) is an excellent compilation of resources for anyone wishing to obtain a more expansive knowledge of the Bible. One of England’s most well-known and well-respected clergymen of the turn of the 20th century, G. Campbell Morgan has much wisdom to offer us all, including The Analyzed Bible (10 vols.), his much loved critical study of the Scriptures. It, along with studies on the parables of the New Testament, a guide to the study of the Bible, and volumes on the subjects of prayer, evangelism, and Christian living are included in this set which will benefit pastors, theologians, and teachers alike. Morgan’s lifetime of wisdom and biblical studies make up almost 6,000 pages of valuable insight that will keep you coming back for more.

Morgan, long-time pastor of Westminster Chapel in London and mentor of Martyn Lloyd-Jones, made it his aim to share his wealth of knowledge and years of scholarly research as simply as possible, in order to make his works accessible to all. His words have inspired and encouraged thousands in the past century, and will continue to provide excellent, biblically-based hope to all who read his works.

  • Almost 6,000 pages of biblical insight from one of the greatest theologians from the turn of the 20th century
  • Resources on prayer, evangelism, and Christian living
  • Title: G. Campbell Morgan Collection
  • Author: G. Campbell Morgan
  • Pages: 5,890
  • Volumes if in print: 30
  • Logos library resources: 30
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George Campbell Morgan (1863-1945), was a contemporary of Rodney “Gipsy” Smith, preached his first sermon at age 13. He was the pastor of Westminster Chapel in London from 1904-1919 and then from 1933-1943, pausing for a brief period between those timeframes to work at Biola in Los Angeles. In 1939, he began to mentor Martyn Lloyd-Jones, who would eventually become his successor. Morgan’s essay entitled The Purposes of the Incarnation are included in a collection called The Fundamentals, a set of 90 essays that is widely considered to be the foundation of the modern Fundamentalist movement.


Valoraciones de 6

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  1. Kevin Bratcher

    Kevin Bratcher


  2. Rev Keith Cobb Hollywood Presbyterian Church
    The Great Physician is one of the most insightful of GCM's books - if IT - and his Gospel Commentaries (which are exceptional) were included, I'd buy.
  3. Faithlife User

    Faithlife User


  4. Jeremy Hulsey

    Jeremy Hulsey


    This collection needs to be larger. My rating is because of the lack of many of his greatest works in this collection. I would be wiling to pay even more money if it included works like "Preaching," "The Crisis of the Christ," and his collection of sermons.
  5. Randy YOBIC Nurmi
  6. Kana 'au'ao Dunn
    If these books were in a digital format I would pay good money to own every book!!
  7. Thinking



    Where is the book "Great Chapters of the Bible"?
  8. Pastor Joseph Sinnott
    Great teaching, anointed by God
  9. Nathan Shaver

    Nathan Shaver


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