Productos>The Psalms: Rejoice, the Lord Is King, Volume 1—Psalms 1 to 41 (Preaching the Word | PtW)

The Psalms: Rejoice, the Lord Is King, Volume 1—Psalms 1 to 41 (Preaching the Word | PtW)

, 2015
ISBN: 9781433533556

Edición digital Logos

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The Psalms are treasured poetry that reflect the prayer and praise of ancient Israel. Every generation opens the Psalms for inspiration, comfort, hope, and encouragement. They’re also a rich source of truth about God, humanity, and salvation. The authors of the New Testament understood this, quoting the Psalms more than any other Old Testament book to establish key doctrines. The Psalms tell the story of God’s anointed king, his kingdom, and his people. They point forward to the Messiah—David’s Greater Son who reigns forever and ever.

In this first volume of a three-volume commentary on the Psalms, James Johnston walks readers through Psalms 1–41, offering exegetical and pastoral insights along the way. Accessible and engaging, this resource will help anyone interested in studying, teaching, or preaching the Bible read the Psalms in a deliberately canonical and Christ-centered way.

  • Divides text into coherant units to aid preaching and study
  • Contains exegesis and word study on the Psalms
  • Contains practical application from the Scriptures
  • Designed to help preachers communicate God’s Word
  • Offers a sermon application index for finding the perfect illustration

Top Highlights

“The reason the godly flourish is because God is watching over them. When all is said and done, the real question in life is not whether I know God but whether he knows me.” (Page 30)

“The fifth blessing comes at the end of verse 3, ‘In all that he does, he prospers’ (v. 3). Prosperity preachers read this verse with dollar signs in their eyes. But the Hebrew verb translated ‘prospers’ means ‘to succeed, to accomplish the work you set out to do.’9 Jesus, the truly blessed man, accomplished his work through the cross; he succeeded through suffering and death.” (Page 29)

“In God’s economy, the work he gives us often prospers through our own suffering and humiliation. The blessing, though, is that this pain and confusion is not pointless. The work God gives us to do in the place he plants us will prosper as we faithfully turn from sin, delight in God’s Word, and meditate on the Word.” (Page 29)

“So lying down implies that sheep are free from fear, friction, flies, and hunger. Their shepherd cares for them physically, medically, socially, and emotionally.” (Page 246)

“The word ‘transgression’ (v. 1) has to do with rebellion” (Page 329)

Noted for its steadfast commitment to biblical authority, its readability, and its clear exposition of Scripture, the Preaching the Word Series is an ideal resource for pastors, teachers, and those seeking to enrich their personal Bible study. This set of commentaries on the Old and New Testaments is edited by renowned pastor, R. Kent Hughes, of College Church in Wheaton, Illinois. In this collection, experienced pastors exemplify expository preaching and provide practical applications of 45 books of the Bible, as well as the Sermon on the Mount. Preachers and laity alike will find these commentaries both insightful and accessible.

While being sensitive to the original historical context of the Psalms as the prayer and songbook of the Jews, Johnston is keenly aware that there is a Christocentric end to which the Psalms point and a Son in whom they find fulfillment. Because of this, Johnston recognizes that all the Psalms are messianic, and, therefore, are also the Christian’s prayer, song, and life book.

—Gregory C. Strand, director of biblical theology and credentialing, Evangelical Free Church of America

James Johnston is senior pastor of Tulsa Bible Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and a visiting faculty member at Jordan Evangelical Seminary. He has led workshops on expository preaching for more than 15 years and is an instructor for the Charles Simeon Trust.


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  1. Rodney Lee McNary
    Do you have a timeline on when Psalm Vol 2 of Preaching the Word series will be available for purchase?
  2. Scott Custer

    Scott Custer


  3. José María Sánchez
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