Productos>Mobile Ed: TH221 Doctrine of Man (11 hour course)

Mobile Ed: TH221 Doctrine of Man (11 hour course)


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Doctrine of Man (TH221) provides an introduction to the fascinating and vast topic of the doctrine of man, from a Reformed position. The course introduces several theological methods, striking a balance between biblical and doctrinal considerations. Using a close reading of Gen 1–2, it examines what it means to be an image-bearer in our everyday life and work—created in God’s likeness and oriented toward God’s glory. The course also describes sin’s impact on our image-bearing work. It also provides a broad understanding of the doctrines of creation, revelation, and sin.

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion you should be able to:

  • Formulate a doctrine of man based on an understanding of God’s work in creation
  • Defend the necessity of a historical Adam
  • Identify the fourfold estate of man
  • Describe the covenant of works
  • Articulate the doctrine of imputation
  • Evaluate the theological concept of free will

Course Outline

Unit 1: Methods of Theology: Systematic, Biblical, and Exegetical

  • Introduction to Basic Issues
  • Biblical and Exegetical Theology
  • Finding Resurrection Texts and Shared Themes
  • Distinguishing Systematic Theology
  • The Discipline and Method of Systematic Theology
  • The Tension between History and Dogma
  • Complementary Features of Biblical and Systematic Theology
  • What Is Man before and after the Fall?
  • The Fourfold Estate of Man
  • A Cross-Sectional Plot Analysis

Unit 2: Doctrine of Creation

  • The Context of the Creation of Man
  • Preliminary Observations
  • Guiding Presuppositions
  • The Authority of Scripture versus the Authority of Science
  • Views of Creation
  • Common Orthodox Doctrines
  • The Literal Twenty-Four-Hour Day View
  • Creating a Collection and Using It to Compare Views about Creation
  • In-Depth Arguments for a Twenty-Four-Hour Creation Day
  • Arguments for the Day-Age View of Creation
  • The Sabbath Argument
  • The Day Seven Argument
  • Finding and Comparing Creation Psalms with the Psalms Explorer
  • The Framework View
  • Framework Responses to the Other Views of the Creation Days
  • The Literary Structure of the Days
  • Other Literary Elements
  • Genesis 2:5–7: No Vegetation or Cultivation
  • Rain Cloud or Mist?
  • The Two-Register Cosmology
  • Supporting Evidence for the Two-Register Cosmology

Unit 3: Biblical Anthropology (Doctrine of Man)

  • The Divine Council
  • Studying God’s Speech in Genesis 1:26 Using Bible Search
  • An Alternative Interpretation of the Divine Council
  • Created in the Image of God
  • Adam’s Preeminence in Genesis 2:7
  • Man’s Unique Position as Image-Bearer

Unit 4: Imago Dei

  • A Covenant-Historical Understanding of Genesis 1–2
  • God’s Covenant Acts in History
  • Story and History
  • The Historical Character of Revelation
  • Myth as a Lack of Rationality
  • Reading Ancient Near Eastern Myths Using Factbook
  • Myth as an Aspect of Creative Imagination
  • Myth as the Product and Embodiment of Social Ideals
  • Myth as a Symbol of Divine Action in History
  • Analysis and Clarification
  • Bultmann’s Program of Demythologization
  • Bultmann’s Theology and Heidegger’s Existentialism
  • Liberal and Feminist Myth Theories
  • A Survey of Myth in the New Testament
  • Locating and Understanding Mythos in Philo
  • Paul’s Exhortation in 2 Timothy 4:1–4

Unit 5: Covenantal Theology

  • The States of Humanity
  • Summarizing Propositions
  • Distinguishing Between Bodies
  • Innocency and Glory
  • The If/Then Argument
  • The Natural Then the Spiritual
  • Modes of Existence
  • Bodily Resurrection
  • We Cannot Deny the Historical Adam

Unit 6: Revelation History

  • Adam the Sinner
  • Adam and Original Sin
  • The Contrast between Adam’s Sin and Christ’s Obedience
  • Justification by Faith
  • Peter Enns and Rudolf Bultmann
  • A Summary of Peter Enns’ Teaching
  • A Christotelic Hermeneutic
  • An Adoptionist Model of Inspiration
  • Using Collections to Compare Theologies of 2 Timothy 3:16
  • Kinds of Synthesis
  • Enns’ Misplaced Faith in Science
  • Enns’ Misunderstanding of Divine Authorship
  • Enns’ Deficient Notion of Sin
  • A Critique of Christotelic Hermeneutics
  • The Denial of Inerrancy
  • Enns and the Resurrection

Unit 7: Doctrine of Sin

  • The Covenant of Works
  • The Westminster Confession on the Covenant of Works
  • Finding God’s Covenantal Acts with Clause Search
  • The Covenant of Life
  • Consulting Creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms
  • The Eschatology of the Covenant of Life
  • The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
  • The Tree of Life
  • Researching the Tree of Life with Logos
  • Turretin and Vos on the Tree of Life
  • The Tree of Life in Revelation 2:7
  • The Tree of Life in Revelation 22:1–3

Unit 8: Christ

  • The Imputation of Adam’s Sin
  • The Pelagian View Defined
  • The Pelagian View Rebutted
  • Immediate and Mediate Imputation Defined
  • Immediate and Mediate Imputation Contrasted
  • Biological Union
  • Realistic Union Defined
  • Realistic Union Critiqued
  • Covenantal or Federal Union
  • The Implications of Imputation for the Gospel

Unit 9: Salvation

  • Libertarian Free Will
  • Defining Libertarian Free Agency
  • Examining Libertarian Freedom
  • A Biblical Argument Against Libertarian Freedom
  • The Role of the Heart in the Will of Man
  • A Reformed Understanding of Sin
  • The Fourfold Estate
  • Central Features of the Doctrine of Man

Product Details

  • Title: TH221 Doctrine of Man
  • Instructor: Lane G. Tipton
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 1
  • Video Hours: 11
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About Lane G. Tipton

Dr. Lane G. Tipton is the Charles W. Krahe Chair Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. He has taught at Westminster since 2003 and is ordained as a teacher in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He coedited the anthologies Revelation and Reason: New Essays in Reformed Apologetics (2007), with K. Scott Oliphint, and Resurrection and Eschatology: Theology in Service of the Church; Essays in Honor of Richard B. Gaffin Jr. (2008), with Jeffrey C. Waddington. His essays include “The Gospel and Redemptive-Historical Hermeneutics,” “Resurrection, Proof and Presuppositionalism: Acts 17:30–31,” and “Biblical Theology and the Westminster Standards Revisited: Union with Christ and Justification ‘Sola Fide.’ ”

Getting the most out of Mobile Ed

Logos Mobile Education is a highly effective cross-platform learning environment that integrates world class teaching with the powerful study tools and theological libraries available in Logos Bible Software. Every course provides links to additional resources and suggested readings that supplement the lecture material at the end of every transcript segment.

This course was produced with screencast videos. These videos provide tutorials showing you how to use Logos Bible Software in ways that are tied directly into the content of the course. We are now producing Activities resources as a replacement for screencast videos. We plan on updating this course to include this additional Activities resource in the future for no extra charge.



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  1. Brayden Brookshier
  2. Kevin Bratcher

    Kevin Bratcher


  3. Bill



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