Productos>Crucial Questions Series (20 vols.)

Crucial Questions Series (20 vols.)

Edición digital Logos

Ediciones Logos están totalmente conectados a su biblioteca y a sus herramientas de estudio de la Biblia.
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In the Crucial Questions Series, renowned pastor and theologian R.C. Sproul provides succinct yet comprehensive explanations of essential Christian teachings. Covering theological topics such as the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, baptism, and providence, Sproul also looks at practical questions such as how to deal with guilt and the Christian’s experience of joy. The titles in this collection are ideal discipleship tools, and will help new Christians to learn about how the Bible treats these timeless subjects.

  • Provides accessible introductions to key doctrinal concepts
  • Written by one of today’s most respected pastor–theologians
  • Presents material in a succinct but comprehensive way
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R.C. Sproul was a respected teacher, theologian, and pastor. He was the founder and chairman of Ligonier Ministries where he served as executive editor of Tabletalk magazine. Sproul held degrees from Westminster College, Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary, Free University of Amsterdam, and Whitefield Theological Seminary. He taught at several colleges and seminaries including Reformed Theological Seminary and Knox Theological Seminary. He also served as senior minister of preaching and teaching at Saint Andrew’s Chapel, in Sanford, Florida. Sproul’s teaching can be heard daily on the Renewing Your Mind radio broadcast which plays in over 40 countries. Sproul wrote more than 75 books including The Holiness of God, Chosen by God, and The Mystery of the Holy Spirit.


Valoraciones de 347

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  1. 박철수



  2. Young Gun Park

    Young Gun Park


  3. Pastor Vernon Price
    Resources are clear and concise subject matter.
  4. Rosanna McNaueal
    I absolutely love my Logos! The free resources, have helped me in my Christian wal so much! I have had Logos since I was first saved, in 1996. Sure wish I had bought it at the time, but thankful I have the version I have.
  5. Matthew



  6. Or Tsang Kwan

    Or Tsang Kwan


  7. Faithlife User

    Faithlife User


  8. Tankiso Letseli

    Tankiso Letseli


  9. Jim McGuire

    Jim McGuire


  10. Kurt Normann

    Kurt Normann


    Read every single one of them and I am very disappointed. I kept coming across "Augustine said" and the 'Westminster Confession says" and some proof texts to back up Augustine and the confession. One star for the good (that there is some truth in these) and a second star for giving some insight into Reformed thought. Do not give these to new believers who have not been taught how to do personal Bible study.
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