Productos>Classic Works of Eusebius of Caesarea (14 vols.)

Classic Works of Eusebius of Caesarea (14 vols.)

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Study the thought and theology of the early church with writings from the Father of Church History. Eusebius of Caesarea was a Roman historian, exegete, and Christian polemicist. A scholar of the biblical canon, he was appointed bishop of Caesarea in AD 314, and he spent his life writing about the gospel and church history.

This collection includes 14 of Eusebius’ most significant works—histories, apologetics arguments, philosophical treatises, and more. Learn from his detailed account of the Emperor Constantine’s life, his Gospel harmony, and his reasoned defenses of the Christian faith.

With Logos Bible Software, Scripture passages appear on mouse-over, and all cross-references link to the other resources in your digital library, making this collection powerful and easy to access—a rich supplement to any study of the early church. Perform comprehensive searches by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for instance, every mention of “Caesarea” or “apostolic.”

Key Features

  • Surveys the most significant works of Eusebius
  • Explores what defense of the Christian faith looked like in the early church
  • Examines everything from apologetics through histories and philosophical treatises
  • Provides an excellent introduction to this influential scholar of the biblical canon

Product Details

  • Title: Classic Works of Eusebius of Caesarea
  • Author: Eusebius of Caesarea
  • Volumes: 14
  • Pages: 1,421
  • Resource Type: Collected Works
  • Topic: Church Fathers
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  1. Alejandro Yarcho
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