Productos>Mobile Ed: BI201 The Story of the Bible (6 hour course)

Mobile Ed: BI201 The Story of the Bible (6 hour course)

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The Bible is a grand collection of 66 separate books—how are those books unified? This course introduces students to the unifying storyline that runs through the entire Bible. Dr. Michael Goheen—expert in missiology, theology, and worldview studies—shows how the drama of the Bible unfolds by tracing the major theological themes of redemption and restoration across both Testaments.


Upon successful completion you should be able to:

  • Understand the comprehensive worldview story of the Bible
  • Describe how the Bible tells one unfolding story of redemption and restoration
  • Identify the six acts of the biblical story
  • Explain the relationship between the OT and the NT
  • Articulate how Jesus is at the center of the biblical story
  • Describe the place of the church in the story of the Bible

Unit 1: Introduction

  • The Three Categories of This Course
  • Starting with Jesus
  • Our Lives Are Shaped by Story
  • The Bible as One Story
  • Using Reading Plans to Help Read the Bible as One Story
  • The Authority of the Biblical Story
  • Two Different and Incompatible Stories
  • The Drama of Scripture
  • Quiz – Unit 1

Unit 2: Act 1: God Establishes His Kingdom

  • Genesis 1 in Its Historical and Literary Context
  • Genesis 1 in Its Ancient Near Eastern Context
  • Using The Context of Scripture to Compare Creation Accounts
  • Literary Structure of Genesis 1
  • The Importance of Genesis 1 in the Bible Story
  • Quiz – Unit 2

Unit 3: Act 2: Rebellion in the Kingdom

  • Sin and Judgment in Genesis 3–11
  • Genesis 3 and the Origin of Sin
  • The Consequences of Sin
  • Quiz – Unit 3

Unit 4: Act 3: The King Chooses Israel

  • Redemption Initiated
  • Sin and Promise in Genesis 3–11
  • Blessed to Be a Blessing: Genesis 12:1–3
  • Using Theological Lexicons to Understand the Meaning of Blessing
  • From Promise to Covenant
  • The Patriarchal Narratives of Genesis 12–50
  • From Genesis to Exodus
  • Redemption from Egypt
  • God and Israel’s Covenant
  • Israel’s Covenant Vocation
  • The Purpose of the Law
  • God’s Tabernacle Presence
  • Using a Bible Dictionary to Understand the Significance of Tabernacle
  • Leviticus: Repairing the Covenant
  • Numbers: Through the Wilderness
  • Deuteronomy: Israel Prepared to Enter the Land
  • Quiz – Unit 4a
  • Israel on the Land
  • Joshua: God Gives Israel the Land
  • Judges: Israel’s Failure on the Land
  • The Storyline of Samuel
  • A Faithful Covenant King
  • The Davidic Covenant
  • The Temple
  • Using a Greek Lexicon to Look Up the Basic Meaning of Greek Words
  • Historical Overview
  • First and Second Kings: Israel’s Demise
  • The Prophetic Message
  • Return from Exile
  • Ezra and Nehemiah: Post-Exilic Crisis of Faith
  • The Writings
  • The Intertestamental Period
  • The Unfolding Story of the Intertestamental Period
  • Quiz – Unit 4b
  • Midterm Exam

Unit 5: Act 4: The Coming of the King

  • The Kingdom of God
  • Highlighting “Kingdom” in the Gospels with Visual Filters
  • Jesus’ Kingdom Mission: A New Way
  • Jesus Prepares for His Kingdom Mission
  • Jesus Gathers His People
  • Jesus Announces the Arrival of the Kingdom
  • An “Already–Not Yet” Kingdom
  • Jesus Reveals the Kingdom
  • The Source of Jesus’ Power
  • Opposition to Jesus’ Mission
  • Jesus Welcomes Sinners and Outcasts
  • Quiz – Unit 5a
  • Jesus Forms an “End-Time” Community
  • Jesus Explains the Kingdom with Parables
  • Jesus Is the Embodiment of the Kingdom
  • Who Is Jesus?
  • Finding the Titles of Jesus with the Bible Facts Tool
  • Three Symbolic Actions of Jesus
  • The Context for the Cross and Resurrection
  • Crucifixion and the Death of Jesus
  • The Significance and Meaning of the Death of Jesus
  • The Significance and Meaning of the Resurrection of Jesus
  • Resurrection in Three Stages
  • The Risen Lord Commissions His Disciples
  • Using the Passage Guide to Find Parallel Gospel Accounts
  • Quiz – Unit 5b

Unit 6: Act 5: Spreading the News of the King

  • The Mission of the Church
  • The Exaltation of Jesus
  • Pentecost: The Coming of the Spirit
  • The Story of Acts
  • Prophecy Fulfilled: A Light on a Hill
  • Searching for “Means of Grace”
  • Witness in Judea and Samaria
  • The Church as a Missionary Community
  • Spontaneous Expansion of the Church
  • The Pattern of Paul
  • Two Perspectives on Paul
  • The Teaching of Paul
  • The Ending of Acts
  • Our Place in the Story
  • Creating and Searching a Church History Collection
  • Quiz – Unit 6

Unit 7: Act 6: Return of the King

  • Restoration Completed
  • The End of the Story
  • Quiz – Unit 7
  • Final Exam
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Dr. Michael W. Goheen, professor of missiology at Calvin Theological Seminary, served as the Geneva Chair of Worldview Studies at Trinity Western University in Langley, British Columbia, and teaching fellow in mission studies at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia.

He has taught worldview, biblical theology, mission, and world Christianity at Redeemer University College and Dordt College. He began his professional life as a church planter and pastor in the Toronto area. He is also recognized as a leading scholar on the thought of Lesslie Newbigin.

Dr. Goheen has authored several books, including A Light to the Nations: The Missional Church in the Biblical Story (Baker, 2010) and As the Father Has Sent Me, I am Sending You: J.E. Lesslie Newbigin’s Missionary Ecclesiology (Zoetermeer, 2000). He also coauthored the best-selling Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story (Baker, 2004), Living at the Crossroads: An Introduction to Christian Worldview (Baker, 2008), and The True Story of the Whole World: Finding Your Place in the Biblical Drama (Faith Alive, 2009). He has also coedited two volumes on globalization and the gospel, and on the unity of the church.

Dr. Goheen lives in the Vancouver area where he is minister of preaching at New West Christian Reformed Church. He’s been married to his wife, Marnie, for 33 years and has four married children and four grandchildren.

Logos Mobile Education is a highly effective cross-platform learning environment that integrates world class teaching with the powerful study tools and theological libraries available in Logos Bible Software. Every course provides links to additional resources and suggested readings that supplement the lecture material at the end of every transcript segment.

This course comes with an Activities resource that functions as a type of “workbook” for the course. This resource includes learning activities such as: places for you to respond to reflection questions, exercises that will challenge and show you how deepen your understanding of this course by using specific Logos tools and resources, tutorial videos on different features of Logos Bible Software, and links to relevant Logos guides and tools. A link to open the Activities resource is conveniently placed at the end of every segment.



Valoraciones de 2

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  1. Matt DeVore

    Matt DeVore


  2. Henrik Wågbrant-Bina
    One of the best introduction courses I've ever studied! After this course I could identify the Bible's "meta-narrative" as the coming of God's kingdom to earth. Goheen truly introduces the "story" of the Bible and he gives a good overview of everything in the Bible. I especially liked Unit 1 and 2 where he talks about worldviews, how our lives are shaped by narratives, and what theological implications we can find in Genesis 1-2. I warmly recommend this course!
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