Productos>Mobile Ed: Elyse Fitzpatrick Bundle (3 courses)

Mobile Ed: Elyse Fitzpatrick Bundle (3 courses)

Edición digital Logos

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Whether you’re the worship pastor or the Sunday school teacher, your ministry requires your unwavering identity in Christ. In these Mobile Ed courses, Elyse Fitzpatrick lays the groundwork to growing this Christocentric identity. Under her direction, you’ll learn the importance of building Christ-centered identities in your leaders, your peers, and those whom God has entrusted to you—while at the same time, developing and growing your own. You’ll learn the basics of Christian counseling through the ministry of Jesus’ work on the cross, and discover the importance of God’s Word in relational ministry.

These three courses—in counseling and personal and professional development—build the fundamental character principles every growing and learning Christian must have. Elyse Fitzpatrick brings over 24 years’ of biblically-focused counseling to your education, helping you understand the importance of a rock-solid identity in Christ, and teaching you methods for imparting this knowledge to others.

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Elyse Fitzpatrick has been counseling women since 1989. She is a member of the National Association of Nouthetic Counseling, a retreat and conference speaker, and is the head of Women Helping Women Ministries. Fitzpatrick has a certificate in biblical counseling from CCEEF in San Diego and an MA in biblical counseling from Trinity Theological Seminary.

She is the author of more than 15 books, including Love to Eat, Hate to Eat. Fitzpatrick has developed an extensive curriculum in biblical counseling and has trained students in both North and South America.


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  1. Kevin Bratcher

    Kevin Bratcher


  2. Deepak Kumar Singh
    I have found these courses very helpful in building the fundamental character principles every growing and learning Christian must have. It really helped me to identify our identity in Christ, including how we are chosen, justified, adopted, and delivered from darkness. The tone of Elyse Fitzpatrick is full of warmth and allure, revealing the Gospel truths to you in a very personal and refreshing way. Really appreciate it!!
  3. Tommy Miller

    Tommy Miller


    In Segment 14 of this course (PD102), why does Mrs. Fitzpatrick say: "Now, one of the things that’s going on in Christian culture these days is that men are being told that they need respect. There’s no place in the Bible that it says that. Men don’t need respect."? What about the imperative in Ephesians 5:33, "and the wife see that she reverence [i.e. "RESPECT," and even "FEAR," in many modern versions] her husband."? (cf. 1 Peter 3:2 & 6, same word "phobos" or "fear"). The husband is commanded to love his wife. The wife is commanded to respect her husband. If men do not need respect, then why is it commanded in the Scripture? Teachers must be very careful in their instruction concerning the Word of God, "knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation" (James 3:1).
  4. John L. Jefferson
  5. Teemu Phillips

    Teemu Phillips


    Beware, this author is NOT a member of the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors (now the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors). Her "MA" is from an unaccredited school widely regarded as a diploma mill. Her views on "Gospel-Centered Counseling" and sanctification are far afield from the mainstream of the biblical counseling movement.
  6. Rokvet



    My Wife and I are going though the Identity in Christ section now and it's been such a blessing so far. It's not just the technology of the software that's great, (even though it's pretty cool) but it's the way to speakers have lived and researched the word of God to inspire the listener. Also the tutorials on how to use the software have not only inspired me but also my 7 year old son. I do hope that in the future, the courses will be able to be purchased individually instead of in a collection.
Enjoy October's Monthly Sale!
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