Productos>Peter Kreeft Philosophy and Apologetics Collection (10 vols.)

Peter Kreeft Philosophy and Apologetics Collection (10 vols.)

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In these accessible volumes, philosopher and apologist Peter Kreeft brings his years of research and debate experience to bear on the toughest questions facing Catholics and Christianity. In his clear and concise voice, Kreeft grounds himself in biblical truths as he defends traditional doctrine against societal and philosophical attacks alike. Whether you're searching for answers yourself or guiding someone else into reasonable faith, this collection is good place to start.

With the Logos editions of these texts, you can compile and compare Kreeft’s arguments with other apologists and philosophers with just a few clicks. See all Scripture references on mouseover, and find everything the Bible says about the beginning and end, life and death, and right and wrong in an instant. Logos streamlines your study as you settle your mind and prepare to give a reason for your hope.

Key Features

  • Tested arguments on the biggest issues confronting Christianity
  • Valuable insight for Catholics and Protestants alike

Product Details

  • Title: Peter Kreeft Philosophy and Apologetics Collection
  • Author: Peter Kreeft
  • Publisher: Ignatius
  • Volumes: 10
  • Pages: 2,106
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About the Author

Peter Kreeft is a philosopher, theologian, and apologist. His concise, lucid, wit-infused prose draws frequent comparisons to that of C. S. Lewis. He has written dozens of books on understanding philosophy, defending the Christian faith, and encouraging Catholics on difficult doctrine. He is currently professor of philosophy at Boston College.


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