Productos>T&T Clark Studies in Early Christianity (13 vols.)

T&T Clark Studies in Early Christianity (13 vols.)

Edición digital Logos

Ediciones Logos están totalmente conectados a su biblioteca y a sus herramientas de estudio de la Biblia.


Valor de colección: $293.87
Ahorra $106.88 (36%)
Planes de pago disponibles en el carrito de compra


The T&T Clark Studies in Early Christianity collection contains up-to-date scholarship on the foundations and development of Christianity during the first several centuries. Experts in the field contribute to discussion of ancient texts, early Christian theology, philosophies of other ancient religions, and the interpretation and functions of Scripture, as well as the church’s structure and spread throughout Europe and the world. As the church grew, groups of believers and significant Church Fathers developed and refined beliefs, rituals, and identities. These works offer analyses and modern perspectives on the people and ideas that caused early Christianity’s rapid development and far reach.

With Logos Bible Software, Scripture references link directly to the Bibles in your library—both the original-language texts and English translations. Clicking any word opens your lexicons to the relevant entry to save you time and add depth to your Scripture study. With Logos, you can quickly move from the table of contents to your desired section and search entire volumes or collections by topic, title, or Scripture reference.

Key Features

  • Modern interpretations of the writings of Church Fathers
  • Detailed descriptions of the cultural context in which the church developed
  • Insights into early Christian theology and identity

Product Details

  • Title: T&T Clark Studies in Early Christianity
  • Publisher: T&T Clark
  • Volumes: 13
  • Pages: 2,976
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    Many interesting volumes, from 2009-2013. No 2014 volumes that interest me. A bit expensive at ¢8.1 a page that I would like to get to at some point, but far from the all-time most expensive ones. Note that the volumes are only ~100-300 pages long. I recognize only one of the authors, although this might be because these titles are fairly new.


Valor de colección: $293.87
Ahorra $106.88 (36%)
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