Productos>Theology: Explained and Defended, vol. 5

Theology: Explained and Defended, vol. 5

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Timothy Dwight IV, the grandson of Jonathan Edwards and son of a major in the army of George Washington, is widely known for his theological writings, preaching, and his presidency at Yale University. Centering most of the sermons in his fifth volume around the subject of grace, Dwight also covers the topic of death. This last volume of Theology: Explained and Defended contains 38 sermons.

A compelling collection of sermons, the words of Dwight provide thought-provoking, biblical reflection as he reminds us of the great importance of theological study. His sermons and memoirs are easily referenced in digital format, and Scripture references appearing on mouseover make Theology: Explained and Defended a powerful resource and an excellent addition to your Logos library.

  • 38 sermons preached by Timothy Dwight
  • Introductory Scripture for each sermon
  • General remarks on subjects discussed
His Theology: Explained and Defended was a textbook for 50 years in many sections of the country and as far away as Australia. He preached steadily on the evidences of divine revelation, defended the Genesis record of the creation, the flood, and the history of the nations. He attacked skepticism by sound logic and overwhelming eloquence. He hammered away at the basic doctrines of conviction of sin and regeneration. His sermons were partly responsible for the four revivals which broke out in Yale College during his administration.

—Charles J. Woodbridge, Westminster Theological Journal

  • Title: Theology: Explained and Defended, vol. 5
  • Author: Timothy Dwight
  • Publisher: Clark & Lyman
  • Publication Date: 1818
  • Pages: 610

Timothy Dwight (1752–1817) was the grandson of Jonathan Edwards. He graduated from Yale in 1769, becoming a tutor at Yale after his graduation as well as a chaplain at Hopkins Grammar School. In 1777, he became a chaplain in the Connecticut Continental Brigade. A politician, preacher, and author, he was one of the leaders of the second Great Awakening.


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