Productos>Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics

Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics

, 1994

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The best choice for a rational and systematic defense of Christianity. This expanded edition covers the existence of God, the problem of miracles, the claims of Christ and other topics.

Top Highlights

“First, the theory cannot account for the physicality of the appearances” (Page 287)

“of testing and verification that are employed in the secular sciences.” (Page 27)

“The fundamental principle of the Augustinian tradition throughout the Middle Ages was fides quaerens intellectum: faith seeking understanding.” (Page 18)

“Apologetics (from the Greek apologia: a defense) is that branch of Christian theology which seeks to provide a rational justification for the truth claims of the Christian faith.” (Page xi)

“The ontological argument attempts to prove from the very concept of God that God exists: if God is conceivable, then he must actually exist.” (Page 79)

Product Details

  • Title: Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics
  • Author: William Lane Craig
  • Publisher: Crossway Books
  • Publication Date: 1994
  • Pages: 324


Valoraciones de 15

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  1. David McIntosh

    David McIntosh


  2. Leonard Metsäranta
    To anyone reading these reviews: The 3rd edition is available for purchase now!
  3. Leonard Metsäranta
    Logos version is still out of date. The 5 stars goes to the newest version of the book since I own it in print. Tragic that such an influential book is so outdated.
  4. Richard



    Christianity is a thinking religion we as Christians should use our intellects well to show the glory of God. This book can help Christians to show that Christianity is a reasonable and defensible paradigm.
  5. Robert Brandon Weaver
    Why is Logos still offering this old version of such an influential book? This is kind of embarrassing. Please update the Logos offering to 'Reasonable Faith, Third Edition'. The book is awesome!
  6. Bryan Hudgens

    Bryan Hudgens


    Book is 5+ stars; Logos version is outdated and probably isn't worth it. I'm joining the long list calling for an updated version. Any gain from the Logos functionality is likely negated by the fact that this is out of date.
  7. José A. Rivera

    José A. Rivera


    More than you expect.....
  8. Steven Dorman

    Steven Dorman


    Please update this book to the latest edition. In general, this is a great book! Thank you
  9. J. Remington Bowling
    Get the newest edition.
  10. Kris Snyder

    Kris Snyder


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