Productos>Outlines of the Life of Our Lord

Outlines of the Life of Our Lord

Edición digital Logos

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Outlines of the Life of Our Lord was written as a compliment to the narratives of the Gospels. It relies on the fruits of archeological and historical research to provide the context for Christ’s earthly life. The work describes the political reality in Palestine, the forms of social and religious organization among the Jews, Jews religious practices, as well as the geography, both political and natural, of the region at the time of the Incarnation. It follows the narrative of the gospel events as depicted in traditional Catholic devotions, providing historical context as well as traditional commentary.

With the Logos edition of Outlines of the Life of Our Lord, every word is essentially a link. Scripture references are linked directly to the original language texts and English Bible translations in your library. For every word—in English, Greek, Hebrew, Latin, or any language—you can double-click on that word, and your digital library will automatically search your lexicons for a match. That gives you instant access to a wealth of technical linguistic and etymological data, along with tools for accurate exegesis and interpretation.

  • Introduction to the gospel narrative
  • Preliminary remarks
  • General index and a map of Palestine
  • Title: Outlines of the Life of Our Lord
  • Author: F. E. C. Gigot
  • Publisher: St. John’s Boston Ecclesiastical Seminary
  • Publication Date: 1896
  • Pages: 246

F. E. C. Gigot was the Mooney Professor of the Sacred Scriptures at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Dunwoodie, New York. He is the author of Outlines of Jewish History and General Introduction to the Study of the Holy Scriptures.


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  1. Samuel Bonilla

    Samuel Bonilla


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    'For every word—in English, Greek, Hebrew, Latin, or any language—you can double-click on that word, and your /digital library/ will automatically search your lexicons for a match.' polish /?/
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