Productos>The Joy of Knowing God

The Joy of Knowing God

Edición digital Logos

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Getting to know God could be the single most important issue in the Christian's life. This book will help you to Know Him. It is practical and easy to understand and apply to your daily life.

Top Highlights

“Our sin is a horrible offense to God’s holy nature, and His justice cries out for its punishment. But at the same time, His love is longing to forgive us, His grace is making it possible for Him to forgive us even though we do not deserve it, His mercy is reaching out to us in compassion over the consequences which our sin has caused us, and His long-suffering is delaying the punishment we deserve, giving us the opportunity to repent and trust His grace. What a magnificent God!” (source)

“The word praise comes from a root that means ‘to be boastful.’ When we praise God, we are boasting in the good things He has done, not necessarily because He has done them for us (as though we deserved anything), but simply because they demonstrate who He is. People who know a good God have no cause to grumble and complain. Praise becomes a way of life for them.” (source)

“Because God is good, He wants us to have what we need for our happiness and He sees that it is available to us. Every good thing we now enjoy or ever hope to enjoy flows from Him, and no good thing has ever existed or ever will exist that does not come from His good hand.” (source)

“As our knowledge of Him increases and our friendship with Him grows more intimate, He makes His power more readily available to us.” (source)

“Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord’ (2 Peter 1:2” (source)


Valoraciones de 2

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  1. Samuel McCormick
    This is a must-read! Praise the Lord for He is good, His mercy endureth forever!
  2. Christian Girl

    Christian Girl


    Strauss' theology appears to be Dispensational Arminian, seeing as he went to DTS. Background from his website: B.A. Wheaton College, 1954; Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary, 1958; Th.D. Dallas Seminary, 1962; Served on U.S. Board of Directors of SIM International and member of the Board of Regents and Board of Incorporate Members at Dallas Theological Seminary.
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