Productos>The Gospel and Letters of John, volume 2: The Gospel of John (Eerdmans Critical Commentary | ECC)

The Gospel and Letters of John, volume 2: The Gospel of John (Eerdmans Critical Commentary | ECC)

, 2010
ISBN: 9780802822178

Edición digital Logos

Ediciones Logos están totalmente conectados a su biblioteca y a sus herramientas de estudio de la Biblia.
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Including the first-ever history of the development of Johannine theology, this commentary is a major breakthrough in the study of John's Gospel and his three letters. Volumes 2 applies those criteria to the Gospel of John.

  • Written in an academic yet readable style
  • Perfect for students, professors, and the general reader
  • Title: Eerdmans Critical Commentary: The Gospel and Letters of John, volume 2: The Gospel of John
  • Author: Urban C. von Wahlde
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Pages: 960

Urban C. von Wahlde is professor of theology at Loyola University in Chicago and the editor of the Catholic Biblical Quarterly. His many previous publications on John’s gospel and letters include The Johannine Commandments and The Earliest Version of John’s Gospel.


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