Productos>A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians

A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians

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  • Exposition of the First Epistle
    • Introduction
    • About the Church Parties
    • About the Misconduct of some Church Members
    • About Marriage
    • About the Idol-Sacrifices
    • About the Abuses in Church-Meetings
    • About the Spiritual Gifts
    • About the Resurrection of the Dead
    • Personal Matters
  • Exposition of the Second Epistle
    • Introduction
    • Review of Recent Events
    • The Collection for the Poor at Jerusalem
    • Paul's Reply to His Opponents
    • Dissertations
Mr. Beet's commenary is judicious, clear, devout, candid, and well-written . . . we heartily welcome and commend this new product of Mr. Beet's very industrious pen.

Bibliotheca Sacra

  • Title: A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians
  • Author: Joseph Agar Beet
  • Series: Joseph Agar Beet Collection
  • Publisher: Hodder and Stoughton
  • Publication Date: 1882
  • Pages: 544

Joseph Agar Beet was an English Wesleyan pastor from 1864 to 1885, and professor of systematic theology in Wesleyan College, Richmond, 1885–1905. He was also a member of the faculty of theology in the University of London in 1901–05.


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