Productos>What Is New Testament Theology? (Guides to Biblical Scholarship)

What Is New Testament Theology? (Guides to Biblical Scholarship)

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What is New Testament theology? Does it rightly deal with the documents of the New Testament or does it address extra-textual issues, such as the unfolding of early Christian religion, the events of salvation history, and the historical Jesus? Is New Testament theology a strictly historical project, a dialectical interaction between historical interpretation and hermeneutical concerns, or solely a hermeneutical program? This lucidly written volume by prominent New Testament theologian Dan O. Via not only describes the past, present, and future of New Testament theology, but provides critiques of the major approaches from the last century. Especially important are his discussions of Rudolf Bultmann, Hendrikus Boers, N. T. Wright, and postmodernism. Via also offers his own mature proposals for doing New Testament theology.


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