Productos>The Works of Jonathan Edwards, Yale Edition (26 vols.)

The Works of Jonathan Edwards, Yale Edition (26 vols.)


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Jonathan Edwards has left an indellible impression on nearly 300 years of theological scholarship. This massive collection from Yale University Press totals over 16,000 pages—the most comprehensive archive of Edwards’ treatises, sermons, letters, musings, and previously unpublished works ever assembled. With critical introductions by noted Edwards scholars, it provides the latest contemporary analysis, commentary, and reflection on Edwards life, thought, and literary sources. Gain new appreciation of the historical context of his works, the nature and purpose of his writings, and their initial critical reception. This Yale edition is the standard set of Edwards’ Works. With unsurpassed scholarship, content, and usability, it is unprecedented in sheer volume and value.

For an updated collection of the works of Jonathan Edwards, see here.

  • Collects Edwards’ treatises, letters, sermons, and more into the the most comprehensive collection of his works ever assembled
  • Contains introductions, appendixes, and indexes
  • Includes previously unpublished works
One measure of [Edwards’] greatness is Yale University Press’ critical edition of his works.

—Gerald R. McDermott, United Press International

The Works of Jonathan Edwards . . . is the premier scholarly editorial project in American intellectual history.

—Allen C. Guelzo, Christian Century

Excellent and welcome additions to the growing body of scholarship on a figure who is America’s foremost theologian to date and one who also stands shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, and Calvin.

—W. Stacy Johnson, Interpretation

  • Title: The Works of Jonathan Edwards
  • Publisher: Yale University Press
  • Volumes: 26
  • Pages: 16,798
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Jonathan Edwards was born in 1703 in East Windsor, Connecticut to Timothy and Esther Edwards. He began his formal education at Yale College in 1716, where he encountered the Calvinism that had influenced his own Puritan upbringing. In 1727, he was ordained as minister of the church in Northampton, Massachusetts. The First Great Awakening began in Edwards’ church three years later, which prompted Edwards to study conversion and revival within the context of Calvinism. During the revival, Edwards preached his most famous sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” and penned many of his most popular works, including The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God, A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections, and The Life of David Brainerd. When the revival subsided, the church of Northampton became increasingly suspect of Edwards’ strict requirements for participation in the sacraments. Edwards left Northampton in 1750 to become a minister at a missions church in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. In 1757, Edwards reluctantly became president of the College of New Jersey (Princeton University), where he hoped to complete two major works—one that expanded his treatise on the history of redemption, and the other on the harmony of the Old and New Testaments. His writing ambitions were interrupted by his death in 1758, when he died of complications stemming from a smallpox inoculation.


Valoraciones de 10

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  1. Matt Hamrick

    Matt Hamrick


    Will start studying Edwards starting in 2019 and look so forward to reading him.
  2. Michael Licina Jr.
    The cost on this collection is so high - especially for pastors of small churches like me. Why not rent this out?
  3. Tony Walker

    Tony Walker


    Great set. When I first got Logos I also got the BOT version that is 2 volumes. Though I have nowhere near scratched the surface, I began finding used deals on the Yale harbacks. This took about a year to complete. Then last year I saw that Logos had this set for under $400. With a payment plan, and thinking 'that's about $1 a day to have WJE tagged in Logos' I felt that it was a no brainer. Though for reading I use my hardbacks, I like having a Logos window open that follows my current verse with the WJE. So for example, if I click on a verse on John it will tell me everytime that JE mentions that verse in all 26 volumes. The hardbacks are nice, and expensive, so this allows you to also have his works always handy on your mobile device.
  4. sirndrdlyf



  5. Chris Garrett

    Chris Garrett


  6. Allan Story

    Allan Story


  7. James



  8. Debra W Bouey

    Debra W Bouey


  9. Randy Lane

    Randy Lane


  10. New Covenant

    New Covenant


    This changes everything!
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