Productos>Ministering in the Spirit and Strength of Jesus

Ministering in the Spirit and Strength of Jesus

ISBN: 9781418502843

Edición digital Logos

Ediciones Logos están totalmente conectados a su biblioteca y a sus herramientas de estudio de la Biblia.
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Ministering in the Spirit and Strength of Jesus illustrates how strength, power, and spiritual leadership operate when defined by the gospel demonstrated by Jesus Christ. This study will help you share in the attitudes and actions of the one who came not to lord it over others or to be served, but rather to serve and give Himself in love for others.

Top Highlights

“This term implies an often serious and violent conflict. How should the reality of this fight affect our personal” (source)

“sophronismos, ‘which is a combination of sos, ‘safe,’ and phren, ‘the mind’; hence, safe-thinking” (source)

“both, in the proper relationship, characterized authentic apostolic leadership.” (source)


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